Thursday, June 6, 2013

A different perspective

They say (whoever they are) that if you want to write good writing, that you have to read good writing.

And I got to thinking, maybe I haven't been writing, because I haven't been reading.

For reals.  I can't remember the last time I read a whole book from beginning to end.

I read school newsletters; I read mail, the newspaper, bills; I read snippits and short articles and short blog posts, and short Facebook links...but I never read anything longer than it takes for my kids to figure out that Mommy might actually be sitting STILL for five minutes, for heaven SAKE!

Of the many people who's writing I enjoy on a daily basis, many of them write about reading.  Nothing specific, but you can tell from what they write that reading is a very big part of their day. Maybe it can be successfully done between meal times and homework and karate and sleeping, but I haven't figured that out yet.

But now, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  It's dim, it flickers on and off every once in a while, but it's there.  My kids are out of the twos, well into the threes (and maybe someday I can say we're out of diapers, but it won't be this week.) They're becoming more independent little peoples, who one day will grow up to be functioning members of society (please, god, please) or at least go an hour or two without bumping or bleeding or needing or smacking or yelling or anything at all!! 

Someday again, I will be able to sit down and sink myself into a book, and ready two, three, TEN chapters at a time without someone needing me.  (I'll likely miss being needed like hell, but it sure might be nice to not have to get up off my arse for a few hours too!)

The point of all this was to say that I started reading a book last night which has inspired and enthralled me. It's got me thinking big thoughts, and that's fun again. It was given to me by a former co-worker, (who reads this blog I think...but she never comments, so I wouldn't know, hint hint) who thought I might really enjoy it.  And she was right, so thanks for that, M!

The book is along the lines of something that my friend Lisa got me thinking about in one of her recent posts -  

What if our kids, these kids who some people call disadvantaged, what if they wern't at a loss at all, what if the things that we took to be disabilities were actually GIFTS?

A small example - we've talked to Griffin a lot about what he wants to be when he grows up.  He struggles some times to find his place in his own six-year-old world.  He knows he's a sentitive guy, that he has "trouble" with loud noises, with high pitches. But if we say he has "excellent hearing" instead of he's "sensitive to sound," then all of a sudden another world opens up, a world of Sound Guys, and Auditory Specialists, or whatever. 

Isn't that fun - to think of it as a gift rather than a downfall?

I have to say that Griffin has been a lot more enjoyable in the past few days when I look at him through those eyes.  Sure, there are still times when I want to put him on the curb with a "Free To Good Home" sign on his neck, but most days I'm willing to hang onto him.  This new insight will likely even increase those odds.  I do love those little dudes.

And so I'm reading.  And apparently, according to this blog post, I'm writing too (well lookie me!) And I'm being inspired, and I'm liking my kids more, and not a single little bit of that is bad.

Perspective.  It's a biggie on that list of thing that matter, isn't it?


  1. Hey, if you are interested in reading fiction, I'm part of a book club that meets in Orangeville/Grand Valley. It's awesome. We're a group of moms with young kids, of the whole foods and natural stuff kind of ilk. We generally pick books that have been on bestseller lists at one point (Life of Pi this month, The Glass Castle, The Midwife's Confession, Orange is the New Black, Friday Night Knitting Club etc). It's really laid back. The person who pick the book that month hosts at their house. We bring food. We don't always get the whole book read. We talk about the book and about life and being women and moms. Anyway, if you're interested I can forward you the Facebook group link. It's helped me get reading again because I have a goal to work toward.

  2. It's so true that perspective matters. It's easy to see differences in our kids as issues or disadvantages because the world is not necessarily set up just right for them, but their differences can teach all of us a new way of seeing and understanding. That truly is a gift!

    I'm curious as to what book you're reading! :) I, too, just made a promise to myself to start reading more again, and I started "The Spark" by Kristine Barnett (which is so relevant to the points you're making in this post and so I'm wondering if maybe that's the book you're reading, too!) If it isn't, I think you'd love it when you have time to get to it!

    Loved your paragraph about the "Free to a Good Home" sign. I can tell you I've felt the same way. :)

  3. Is G a reader? Maybe you should be do it together? We love the "Flat Stanley" books or some old school Encyclopedia Brown!

  4. Hey Iya, I read your blog too!

  5. So glad you're enjoying the book!!
    M xox

  6. I have always called the boys' differences...challenges. Because challenges can be overcome and make you stronger once you succeed.
